The Town has several ways for you to stay up to date with Town happenings. Since we use different systems of communication we recommend you follow us on our Facebook Page for regular updates. Please note that different departments may have different ways of releasing information. As an example the Town has a Facebook page that encompasses most of the activities of note for Town Hall. However the Library, Police and Fire Departments each have their own pages as well.
Regulatory note: In the event of a sanity sewer overflow, notification of this event will be communicated via Smart911.
Emergency Alerts
Public Meeting Agenda Postings & Minutes
You can subscribe to receive updates for specific Boards & Committees on our email notification system. You can pick which groups you are interested in and the system will send you an email every time a new meeting or minutes are posted!
To sign up to receive notices of sanitary sewer overflows, check the box next to Groton Sewer Commission under Public Meeting Agenda Postings and Minutes