General bids for Lost Lake / Knops Pond Herbicide Treatment of Weeds will be accepted until 10:00 A.M., February 17th, 2021
This is a page for bidders to submit their closed bids for the Lost Lake / Knops Pond Herbicide Treatment of Weeds project. No files will be reviewed until the opening of the sealed bids date. If you have multiple files to attach please combine them into a zip file and submit.
Please note this file upload page will only accept certain file types. Those types include .ZIP, .PDF, . DOCX, .DOC, .PPT, .PPTX. If you have a file type that is not in one of those formats please place it inside a ZIP file and submit.
If you have any questions please email . When submitting your file please only click the ‘Submit’ button once and wait until your file completes. This page is limited to 100MB of data, if you require more for your submission please let us know.
