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Conservation Commission

Open Space & Recreation Plan – 2019 Update

The Conservation Commission (with a lot of help from the general public and local stakeholder groups) undertook the process of updating the Town’s Open Space & Recreation Plan this past year.

The plan identifies goals and priorities to guide Town policy and investments in open space preservation and recreation over the next seven years.

If you have questions about the plan, please contact the Conservation Administrator at conservation@townofgroton.org OR 978-448-1106.
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The Conservation Commission was established in 1963 “for the promotion and development of the natural resources and the protection of the watershed resources” of the Town (Conservation Commission Act, MGL Ch. 40, §8C). The Commission is responsible for the administration of the Wetlands Protection Act (MGL Ch.131, §40) and Regulations (310 CMR 10.00) and the Town of Groton Wetlands Protection Bylaw (Ch. 215 of the Town Code) which became effective in 2001. Any person intending to alter any area in or within 200 feet of a river or perennial stream or in or within 100 feet of a wetland (intermittent stream, creek, lake, pond, swamp, marsh, bog, or wet meadow) must file a Request for Determination of Applicability or a Notice of Intent with the Commission. Minor projects (decks, utility installations, tree cutting, removal of non-native, invasive plants, etc.) that involve minimal or temporary intrusion into the 100-foot buffer zone of wetland resource areas require the filing of a Request for Determination of Applicability before the work commences.

The Commission also manages over 1000 acres of Town-owned conservation land and oversees applications for Agricultural Preservation Restrictions and Conservation Restrictions on privately held property. The periodic updating of the Groton Open Space and Recreation Plan is spearheaded by the Conservation Commission, with the assistance of the Parks Commission. A current plan maintains the Town’s eligibility to apply for state funding grants. Community input and careful assessment of the status of natural resources assist the Town in prioritizing parcels for protection.

The Commission and staff advise other municipal officials and boards on conservation issues relating to these boards’ areas of responsibility. One member serves on the Earth Removal & Stormwater Advisory Committee. The Commission is staffed by Conservation Administrator Charlotte Steeves.

Contact Information

Email: conservation@grotonma.gov
Phone: (978) 448-1106
Fax: (978) 448-1113
Office: Town Hall
Hours: Monday: 8:00 AM -7:00 PM, Tuesday – Thurdsay: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Friday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Website: grotonma.gov
Members: 7
Selection: Appointed
Term In Years: 3
Remuneration: None


Alison Hamilton
Alison Hamilton
Term Start: 2024-07-01
Term End: 2027-06-30
Bruce Easom
Bruce Easom
Term Start: 2023-07-01
Term End: 2026-06-30
John Smigelski
John Smigelski
Term Start: 2024-07-01
Term End: 2027-06-30
Kimberly Kuliesis
Kimberly Kuliesis
Term Start: 2024-04-30
Term End: 2025-06-30
Laurence J. Hurley
Laurence J. Hurley
Vice Chair
Term Start: 2022-07-01
Term End: 2025-06-30
Olin Lathrop
Olin Lathrop
Term Start: 2023-07-01
Term End: 2026-06-30
Peter A. Morrison
Peter A. Morrison
Term Start: 2022-07-01
Term End: 2025-06-30

Conservation Commission Documents

    1. Conservation_Commission_approved_minutes_2025-01-28_id-15936.pdf
    2. Conservation_Commission_approved_minutes_2025-01-14_id-15897.pdf
    3. Conservation_Commission_approved_minutes_2024-12-10_id-15827.pdf
    4. Conservation_Commission_approved_minutes_2024-11-26_id-15794.pdf
    5. Conservation_Commission_approved_minutes_2024-11-12_id-15753.pdf
    6. Conservation_Commission_approved_minutes_2024-10-22_id-15703.pdf
    7. Conservation_Commission_approved_minutes_2024-10-08_id-15658.pdf
    8. Conservation_Commission_approved_minutes_2024-09-24_id-15625.pdf
    9. Conservation_Commission_approved_minutes_2024-09-10_id-15487.pdf
    10. Conservation_Commission_approved_minutes_2024-08-27_id-15512.pdf
    11. Access additional meeting minutes and agendas at the Meeting Center
    1. Nashua_River_Access_Info.pdf
    2. Lost_Lake_and_Knops_Pond_Launch_Info.pdf
    3. Baddacook_Pond_Boating_Launch_Info.pdf
  1. Wetlands_FAQs.pdf
  2. Wetland_Regulations_-_2015.pdf
  3. Wetland_Bylaw_-_2014.pdf
  4. Surrenden_Farm_Resource_Management_Plan_Final.pdf
  5. Surrenden_Farm_Forest_Management_Plan.pdf
  6. Hunting_in_Groton.pdf
  7. Hazardous_Trees_On_Town-Owned_Conservation_Land_Policy.pdf
  8. Forestry_Management_Guidelines_9-26-11_bg.pdf
  9. Filing_with_the_Conservation_Commission.pdf
  10. Conservation_Land_Use_Regulations_2022-08.pdf
  11. Bertozzi_Permit_2022.pdf
  12. Baddacook-Shattuck_Forest_Cutting_Plan_-_Approved.pdf
  13. Baddacook_Fields_Mgmt_Plan_+_CR.pdf
  14. Article_97_Conversion_Policy.pdf
  15. 2012_Groton_Open_Space_&_Recreation_Plan_(19MB).pdf
  16. 01_-_2019_OSRP_-_FINAL.pdf
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