Please Refer to the CDC and State's Website for the Latest Covid-19 Updates
Center for Disease Control & Prevention - - Covid-19 Information & Updates
Covid Test Kits
The Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR), an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in collaboration with the U.S. Postal Service has reopened as of today, so that households across the country can order four additional over-the-counter COVID-19 tests for free.
These tests are intended for use throughout the 2024 holiday season to detect currently circulating COVID-19 variants.
Clear instructions are included HERE on how to verify extended expiration dates.
Fish Consumption Advisory
Fish Advisory InformationDistrict Sanitarian/Health Agent Hours
Kalene Gendron will typically be available on Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PMWell Adult Clinic
Well Adult Clinics are held monthly in each of the sixteen towns served, and are an opportunity for adult residents to have a basic health screening and talk with their town nurse!
If you are concerned about a resident who is elderly, frail, or otherwise at-risk, you can refer them to one of the monthly Well Adult Clinics.
It's important to note that residents of Nashoba towns can attend any of the clinics - it does not have to be the one in your town!
The most up-to-date version of this schedule will be on the Nashoba website at
Also attached is the Public Health Nursing one-pager to this email that details when you might contact your Town Nurse.
When in doubt, just call!
The Board of Health performs on the local level many important duties relative to the protection of public health, the control of disease, the promotion of sanitary living conditions, and the protection of the environment from damage and pollution.
Mandated duties include:
Under the subdivision control law, the Board of Health has important responsibilities with regard to subdivision plan review and, under Title 5, inspections of septic system installation and maintenance. The board also investigates citizen complaints. In addition to its elected Board of Health, the Town is also a member of the Nashoba Associated Boards of Health. One member of the Groton Board of Health serves on the Board of Directors of the Nashoba Associated Boards of Health Association. This organization, made up of surrounding towns and with offices in Ayer, acts as agent for the performance of many of the above duties under the supervision of the local Board. One arm of the Nashoba Associated Boards of Health, the Nashoba Nursing Service, provides communicable disease investigation and follow-up; tuberculosis monitoring; high risk, mother-infant follow-up; immunization and screen clinics; health promotion; and disease prevention.
The Groton Board of Health is served by a paid, full-time office administrator with an office in the Town Hall.Contact Information
Phone: (978) 448-1120
Fax: (978) 448-1113
Office: Town Hall, 173 Main St
Hours: M 8:00am – 7:00pm; T-TH 8:00am – 4:00pm; F 8:00am – 1:00pm
Selection: Elected
Term In Years: 3
Remuneration: NoneMembers
Evan Thackaberry
Term Start: 2023-05-24
Term End: 2026-05-19
Michelle Collette
Term Start: 2024-04-23
Term End: 2027-05-18
Robert J. Fleischer
Term Start: 2022-05-25
Term End: 2025-05-25
Board of Health Resources
Water Quality Testing Info For The Town Of Groton
Please be advised that homeowners are required to have a full water quality test done within six months but no less than 30 days prior to transfer of ownership. Please refer to Section 330-8 within the Town of Groton Well Regulations in addition to this Well Water Sampling Quality Testing handout which is provided to agents and homeowners in advance of a home closing for more information.
Results must be submitted no less than 30 days prior to a real estate closing. Results are valid for 1 year. The water quality test sample has to be taken by a Board approved Sampler and processed by a certified lab in MA.
Approved Water Quality Samplers
- Groton Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health 30 Central Ave Ayer, MA, 978-772-3335
- Skillings & Son 9 Columbia Drive Amherst, NH, 800-441-6281
- New England Well & Pump Co., 6 Millstone Hill Road Westford, MA, 978-732-4803
- SafeWell, 265 Main St, Bolton, MA, 888-450-9355
- Friot’s Water Treatment, 101 Park St, Ayer, MA, 978-772-6773
Board of Health Documents
- Board_of_Health_approved_minutes_2024-11-18_id-15745.pdf
- Board_of_Health_approved_minutes_2024-10-21_id-15704.pdf
- Board_of_Health_approved_minutes_2024-10-07_id-15639.pdf
- Board_of_Health_approved_minutes_2024-09-16_id-15541.pdf
- Board_of_Health_approved_minutes_2024-08-19_id-15481.pdf
- Board_of_Health_approved_minutes_2024-08-05_id-15432.pdf
- Board_of_Health_approved_minutes_2024-07-15_id-15262.pdf
- Board_of_Health_approved_minutes_2024-07-01_id-15384.pdf
- Board_of_Health_approved_minutes_2024-06-17_id-15312.pdf
- Board_of_Health_approved_minutes_2024-06-03_id-15248.pdf
- Access additional meeting minutes and agendas at the Meeting Center
- Well_Water_Sampling_&_Quality_Testing_Requirements_Excerpt_Amended_05152023.pdf
- Well_Water_Sampling__Quality_Testing_Updated_Excerpt_2023_for_Publication.pdf
- Preventing_Mosquito_Bites.pdf
- Portable_Toilet_-_Temporary_Permit_Application.pdf
- Lyme_Disease_FAQ.pdf
- Groton_Flu_Clinic_24_w_COVID.pdf
- Chapter_330_Wells_2022-05-15.pdf
- Chapter_322_Tobacco_2024-12-03.pdf
- Chapter_315_SDS_2023-05-15.pdf
- Chapter_307_Solid_Waste_-_2023-05-15.pdf
- Chapter_286_Hazardous_Materials_2023-05-15.pdf
- Chapter_276_Body_Art_Establishments_and_Practitioners.pdf
- Board_of_Health_Fees.pdf
- 2023_Stable_License_and_Right_to_Farm_Notice.pdf
Licensed Trash Haulers
Waste Management | 124 Hartwell Street W. Boylston, MA 01583 |
GW Shaw & Son, Inc | 124 Old Wilton Road, Greenville, NH 03048 |
Republic Services | 385 Dunstable Road, Tyngsborough, MA 01879 |
Prime Disposal, LLC | 57 East Main Street, Ayer, MA 01450 |
EL Harvey & Sons Inc. | 68 Hopkinton Rd Westboro, MA 01581 |