Emergency Housing – Homeless & Domestic Violence
Massachusetts extends a “right to shelter” for families who meet certain administrative criteria. To qualify, there are income restrictions and the household must show that the loss of housing is through no fault of their own. Groton households are encouraged to apply via:
- A phone call to (866) 584-0653 to speak with a Homeless Coordinator.
- Fitchburg Transitional Assistance Office, 49 Nursery Lane, Suite 101, Fitchburg, MA 01420, 978-665-8700
The Commonwealth’s family shelter system has seen recent improvements due to the Garcia settlement agreement.
In addition, the Commonwealth will also provide care and housing for children. Massachusetts offers a variety of services for unaccompanied youth (age 24 and younger).
For adults without children, the Commonwealth provides homeless shelters which separate adults by gender. The homeless shelter closest to Groton is:
- Lowell Transitional Living Center, 205 – 209 Middlesex Street, Lowell, MA,
978-458-9888, Info@ltlc.org
For individuals and families experiencing domestic violence, there is a network of domestic violence shelters:
- Call the toll free SafeLink number 877-785-2022 to access these resources.
- Alternative House serves the greater Lowell area 888-291-6228, https://www.alternative-house.org/
Many people in homeless shelters have experienced domestic violence, some in the immediate past and others further back in time. For people experiencing domestic violence, a domestic violence shelter can be superior to a general-purpose shelter because there are more supports and an understanding of the subject.