Please be advised that at their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, February 28, 2022, the Select Board voted unanimously to re-open Town Hall to the public effective Wednesday, March 2, 2022. Appointments to access Town Hall will no longer be necessary. In addition, in compliance with the Board of Health directive, mask wearing is not mandatory, but recommended. The public is not required, but would be recommended, to wear a mask while in Town Hall.
In addition, the Board voted unanimously to allow Boards, Committees and Commissions to continue to meet virtually through July 15, 2022, should a majority of the members on a particular Board, Committee or Commission wish to continue to meet virtually. Live, in person meetings can be held at the individual Board, Committee, or Commission’s discretion. For your information, the Select Board will return to in person meetings at their regularly scheduled meeting of March 14, 2022.
Mark W. Haddad
Town Manager